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Менаџмент у хотелијерству и туризму – Hotel and Tourism Management

Dear authors, colleagues and wider academic public, with great pleasure we inform you that  scientific journal Менаџмент у хотелијерству и туризму Hotel and Tourism Management,  published by the Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja, according to the Categorization of national scientific journals for 2021, proposed by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, has been ranked as a leading journal of national significance M51, for the field of social sciences, within economics and organizational sciences section. A list of categorized national scientific journals for 2021 is available at the following link:


Journal Editorial Board

Менаџмент у хотелијерству и туризму – Hotel and Tourism Management

We would like to inform the academic audience that a new issue of the scientific journal Менаџмент у хотелијерству и туризму – Hotel and Tourism Management  – Vol. 9, No. 2, 2021 has been published. Information about the journal is available at


Journal Editorial Board

Sixth Tourism International Scientific Conference “Tourism Challenges amid COVID-19”

We would like to inform the academic audience that Thematic proceedings of the sixth Tourism International Scientific Conference “Tourism Challenges amid COVID-19”, have been published. Thematic proceedings are available on the following links: http://www.tisc.rs/ and


Thematic proceedings of the sixth Tourism International Scientific Conference “Tourism Challenges amid COVID-19”, published by the Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja, are indexed in EBSCO (EBSCO Information Services) database.

All submitted papers for the sixth Tourism International Scientific Conference “Tourism Challenges amid COVID-19”, are provided with DOI numbers and screened by iThenticate plagiarism checker.

Менаџмент у хотелијерству и туризму – Hotel and Tourism Management

We are glad to inform the academic audience that scientific journal Менаџмент у хотелијерству и туризму – Hotel and Tourism Management,  published by the Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja, is indexed in ProQuest database. Detailed information on the Journal are available on the following link:


Journal Editorial Board

Менаџмент у хотелијерству и туризму – Hotel and Tourism Management

We would like to inform the academic audience that a new issue of the scientific journal Менаџмент у хотелијерству и туризму – Hotel and Tourism Management  – Vol. 9, No. 1, 2021 has been published. Information about the journal is available at


Journal Editorial Board

Менаџмент у хотелијерству и туризму – Hotel and Tourism Management

We are glad to inform the academic audience that scientific journal Менаџмент у хотелијерству и туризму – Hotel and Tourism Management,  published by the Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja, is indexed in CABELLS database. Detailed information on the Journal are available on the following link:


Journal Editorial Board


Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjačka Banja
Vojvodjanska bb
36210 Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia.
email: hitvb@kg.ac.rs
tel: (+381 36) 515 00 24
fax: (+381 36) 515 00 25